【摘要】 汉语普通话中零声母起始段发音的情况很复杂,对于以汉语作为第二外语的学习者来说,这种内隐的汉语语言规则可能会影响他们汉语发音的准确程度,进而影响到对汉语的理解。本文针对汉语学习者零声母起始段的发音问题,对几名在京和在沪的外籍中文学习者通过语音分析图和听辨等途径作了语音分析,对汉语普通话零声母起始段的发音情况作了一个大体的总结,并把他们的发音同汉语为母语使用者进行了较直观的对比。本文主要是针对汉语学习者在零声母起始段上的发音偏误进行分析比较,并试图分析导致这种偏误的原因,从而为对外汉语教学提供进一步的帮助。 【关键词】 零声母 起始段 偏误 语音分析 Study of Zero Initial in Chinese Spoken by Foreigners 【Abstract】 Every language has its own speaking rules. Some of these are clear and easy to handle, while some of these are even hardly to realize. Chinese, as one of the most difficult languages, has many rules when be spoken. This paper is about the pronunciation in the zero initial, which began with i, u, ü in the Chinese. Many ways you can pronounce by, but only one is correct. Chinese people know some of these rules without study, while foreigners, who speak Chinese, must realize these rules and know the differences between Chinese and their mother language. This paper was written at the basis of foreigners’ records of the words I design for this purpose. I have done my best to analyze their record by the soft called Praat and want to provide some useful suggestion on the Chinese teaching. My records are including Korean, Japanese, French, Brazilian and Spanish people and I think it can show some common phenomena during the foreigners who speaking Chinese. Also, according the analysis of these records, I have included some reasons of these mistakes or errors. 【Key words】 zero initial the beginning of words consonant Praat 引言 洋腔洋调在汉语为非母语的使用者中非常普遍,这可以反映出汉语和其他语言在学习起来的不同之处。光就语音方面而言,汉语的特点是:没有复辅音,元音占优势,且带有声调。这些特点都容易导致汉语为非母语的学习者在说汉语时有很重的“洋腔洋调”现象。本文主要是从汉语中零声母的起始段的语音现象出发来分析这一现象的成因和解决方法。 本研究通过对实验性语料的分析来展开的,该实验词语表是将普通话中合口呼、撮口呼和齐齿呼的零声母出现的全部情况囊括在内。本套实验词语表主要是以读音为主,词义或句义仅仅是个形式与该问卷调查的目的无关。本次实验语料录制的对象为: 学习时间 8个月 两年 一年 7个月 2个月 一年 一年 一年 性别 男 男 男 女 男 男 女 男 母语 韩语 韩语 韩语 日语 日语 法语 西班牙语 西班牙语 一、零声母的起始段 零声母是指,汉语中没有声母而只有韵母的音节。这种音节的特点主要就是以元音开头。在实际发音中,要想发出纯粹的元音,是不自然的。因为有声音发出,必有力的作用,有力的作用,必将经历从零能量到有能量的过程,而这个过程,语音学中称之为“启动阶段”(initiation),这是发所有音的必须。就像吴宗济先生说过的:“在普通话中,当说一个不带辅音的音节即零声母音节时,如果前面没有别的音节,那么一开始的音色,实际上有时是会出现一些别